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Embedded microcontroller PIC24FJ16GA002 ESP SPDIP 28 Microchip Technology 16 Bit 32 MHz IO number 21
Embedded microcontroller PIC24FJ16GA002 ISP SPDIP 28 Microchip Technology 16 Bit 32 MHz IO number 21
Embedded microcontroller PIC24FJ32GA002 ISP SPDIP 28 Microchip Technology 16 Bit 32 MHz IO number 21
Embedded microcontroller PIC24FJ64GA002 ESP SPDIP 28 Microchip Technology 16 Bit 32 MHz IO number 21
Embedded microcontroller PIC24FJ64GA002 ISP SPDIP 28 Microchip Technology 16 Bit 32 MHz IO number 21
Embedded microcontroller PIC24FJ64GB002 ISP SPDIP 28 Microchip Technology 16 Bit 32 MHz IO number 19
Embedded microcontroller PIC24FV16KA302 ISP SPDIP 28 Microchip Technology 16 Bit 32 MHz IO number 23
Embedded microcontroller PIC32MX150F128B ISO SOIC 28 Microchip Technology 32 Bit 40 MHz IO number 21
Embedded microcontroller PIC32MX220F032B ISO SOIC 28 Microchip Technology 32 Bit 40 MHz IO number 19
Embedded microcontroller PIC32MX250F128B ISO SOIC 28 Microchip Technology 32 Bit 40 MHz IO number 19