CAB0400 USB to UART TTL Serial Console Cable - Pimoroni
PiGlow LED add-on Board Raspberry Pi - Pimoroni
PIM185 LiPo SHIM for Raspberry Pi - Pimoroni
PIM258 Raspberry Pi Zero W Pibow Case - Pimoroni
PIM271 Wider Input SHIM Kit 3-16V for Raspberry Pi - Pimoroni
PIM339 Pibow 3 Rainbow Case for Raspberry Pi (Pi 3B+, 3, & 2) - Pimoroni
Pimoroni COM0800 Micro Metal Gearmotor 50:1 Extended Back Shaft
Pimoroni COM0801 Micro Metal Gearmotor 298:1 Extended Back Shaft
Pimoroni COM0802 Micro Metal Gearmotor 1006:1 Extended Back Shaft
Pimoroni COM2700 Mini Push-Pull Solenoid 5V 0.42A
Pimoroni COM2800 ESP8266 SMT Module Breakout Board - ESP-12
Pimoroni Pim082 Rpi, Explorer Hat Pro, Add-On Board
Pimoroni PIM137 Explorer pHAT Prototyping Board with Motor Driver ...
Pimoroni PIM169 Mini Black HAT Hack3r Assembled for Raspberry Pi
Pimoroni PIM183 Raspberry Pi Pan & Tilt HAT
Pimoroni PIM213 Raspberry Pi Automation HAT
Pimoroni PIM269 OnOff SHIM for Safe Shut Down for Raspberry Pi
Pimoroni PIM273 Unicorn HAT HD for Raspberry Pi with 256 Addressab...
Pimoroni PIM296 GPIO Hammer Headers Includes Male Female & Install...
Pimoroni PIM300 Pico HAT Hacker Break Out Your Raspberry Pi GPIO Pins
Pimoroni PIM319 Bear Kit Wearable Electronic Kit with LEDs & Motio...
Pimoroni PIM340 Pibow 3 Ninja Case for Raspberry Pi (Pi 3B+, 3, & 2)
Pimoroni PIM341 Pibow 3 Coupe Red Case for Raspberry Pi (Pi 2, 3, ...
Pimoroni Pim342 Coupe Ninja Pibow 3 B+ Case For Rpi 3 B+
Pimoroni Pim344 Coupe Flotilla Pibow 3B+ Case For Pi3 B+
Pimoroni PIM353 scroll:bit Display for BBC micro:bit
Pimoroni PIM486 Enviro for Raspberry Pi - Enviro