The best price for Justrite Compact Flammable Storage Cabinet -self close - 8912201 in the UK today is £938.22, available at ESE Direct.
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Safe Industrial Mini Dangerous Substance COSHH Cabinet - Metal Chemical Storage - Flammable Cabinet 1 Shelf - Hi-Vis Yellow - 760mm High x 457mm Wide x 457mm Deep (10 Litre)
Mini COSHH Chemical Storage Cabinet For Dangerous Substance - Flammable Metal Cupboard 1 Shelf - Ideal for Gym Office or Changing Room | Hi-Vis Yellow - H.457x W.457 x D.305 mm (5 Litre)
Dangerous Substance COSHH Cabinet - Chemical Storage - Flammable Metal Cupboard 1 Shelf - Hi-Vis Yellow - 1000mm High x 915mm Wide x 457mm Deep (30 Litre)
Safe Industrial Hazardous Substance Cabinet with 1 Adjustable Shelf - Flammable Chemical Storage Hi-Vis Yellow - 710mm High x 355mm Wide x 305mm Deep (5 Liters)
Garvee 17" x 17" x 18" Flammable Cabinet, Hazardous Storage Cabinet Adjustable Shelf Flammable Storage Cabinet
Safe Industrial Mini Dangerous COSHH Substance Cabinet - Flammable Chemical Storage - 1 Shelf - Hi-Vis Yellow - 610mm High x 915mm WIde x 457mm Deep (30 Litre)
Justrite 8902001 Safety Cabinet Mini for Flammable Liquids, 1 Door, 1 Shelf, Manual Close, Aerosols, 559 mm Height, 432 mm Width, 203mm Depth, Steel, 1 Adjustable Shelf, 17" W x 22" H x 8" D, Yellow
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