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Keenso SSR-80AA Load Voltage 24-380VAC Input Voltage 80-250VAC 80A Output Current Single-phase Solid State Relay SSR Module For Industrial Automation Process solid state relay
SSR-10 AA 10A Solid State Relay Module Conductor Relay Controlled Module Single Phase Solid State Relay SSR AC-AC Input 90V-250V AC Output 24V-480V AC for Automated Industrial Control Panels
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1pcs FOTEK SSR-10DA Manufacturer 10A ssr relay,input 3-32VDC output 24-380VAC SSR-10AA SSR-10DD EFDSVUHE(SSR-10DA)
SSR-25DA SSR-40DA SSR SSR 10A 40A 60A 80A 100A Solid State Relay Module DC3-32V Input AC24-480V Output PID Temperature Control BIANMTSW(24-480VAC,80DA Random)
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