Sphero R2-D2 is not available at any retailer today that are listed on our platform.
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10 listings found
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LEGO Star Wars R2-D2 Model Set, Buildable Toy Droid Figure for 10 Plus Year Old Kids, Boys & Girls, with 25th Anniversary Darth Malek Minifigure and Decoration Plaque, Memorabilia Gift Idea 75379
Sphero indi Classroom Pack - Educational Robot Kit for Kids with Programmable Coding, STEAM Learning, and Interactive Play
Makeblock mBot Coding Robot for Kids 8-12, Programmable Robot Compatible with Scratch and Arduino, Detects Obstacles, Follow Line, Arduino Coding Kit for Boys and Girls
Sphero BOLT Power Pack: 15 Robots and Charging Case, STEM Learning and Coding Toy, Beginner to Advanced Programming - Ages 8+ - 3 Ways to Code: Draw, Blocks, Javascript - Animated LCD Screen
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