Furniturebox UK Giovani Modern Stylish White/Black High Gloss and Glass 100cm Round Dining Table and 4 Modern Lorenzo Chairs Set (Dining Table + 4 Black Lorenzo Chairs)
Furniturebox UK Giovani Modern Stylish Grey/White High Gloss and Glass 100cm Round Dining Table and 4 Contemporary Milan Chairs Set (Dining Table + 4 White Milan Chairs)
Furniturebox UK Giovani Modern Grey/White High Gloss and Glass Large Round Dining Table and 4/6 Modern Lorenzo Chairs Set (Dining Table + Black Lorenzo, 4 Chairs)
Furniturebox UK Dining Set - Giovani Dining Table and Milan Chairs Set Of 4 - Contemporary High Gloss and Glass Table with Modern Milan Chairs (White Dining Table + 4 Black Milan Chairs)
Furniturebox UK Giovani Modern Stylish Grey/White High Gloss and Glass Large Round Dining Table and 4/6 Contemporary Milan Chairs Set (Dining Table + Grey Milan Chairs, 4 Chairs)