03501-20 Tool rack Gardena Combisystem is not available at any retailer today that are listed on our platform.
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Gardena combisystem tool bar Flex: organisation system for home and garden tools, incl. individual plugs, made of recycled material, expandable, can be individually equipped (3505-20)
Gardena Tool Rack Plus: Wall-mounted rack for home and garden tools, 78 cm wide, 60 kg maximum weight, space-saving, can be equipped and expanded as necessary (3509-20)
Gardena combisystem Lawn Rake: Convenient tined rake for cleaning up dead leaves and grass clippings, with robust plastic tines, working width 43 cm (3101-20)
Gardena Tool Rack Flex: Wall hook for house and garden tools, incl. single connectors, handle holder, horizontal storage, made from recycled materials, can be equipped as required (3506-20)
Gardena combisystem Branch Hook: Branch Hook Designed for a Range of Gardening tasks, S-Shaped, Excellent Grip on Branches, Made of Recyclable Material (17401-20)
GARDENA combisystem hoe: garden hoe for withdrawing weeding and loosening under high load, 16 cm working width, stainless steel sheet, matching CombiSystem stems (3193-20)
Gardena Single Connector Flex: Rack incl. small hook for small tools, extension for (combisystem) Tool Rack Flex, can be connected as necessary, made from recycled materials, 2 units (3507-20)
Gardena combisystem Road Broom: Stable broom for the garden and the paths around the house, 45 cm working width, polypropylene bristles (3622-20)
Gardena combisystem Telescopic Handle 90-145 cm: Extension handle for combisystem tools, infinitely adjustable, wobble-free connection (3719-20)
GARDENA combisystem Push-Pull Hoe GARDEX: Garden accessory for soil work such as weeding beds and paths, 14 cm working width, for combisystem handles, recommended handle length 150 cm (3187-20)
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