Sprue First Alert 1L Powder Fire Extinguisher is not available at any retailer today that are listed on our platform.
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FSS UK 1 KG ABC Dry Powder FIRE Extinguisher with 5 Year Warranty & 1ST AID KIT Ideal CAR Home Travel CARAVANS Trucks FIRE Extinguisher with First AID KIT. British Standard KITEMARK
FIRE Safety Essentials 500 G ABC Dry Powder FIRE Extinguisher with Blanket and 1ST AID KIT Ideal for Homes, Boats, Kitchen Offices WORKPLACES
Smartwares Fire Extinguisher Powder – 1kg – Suitable for A,B & C fires - Suitable for vehicles & homes – Mounting base Included - FEX-15112
BSI KITEMARKED FSS UK 1 KG ABC Dry Powder FIRE Extinguisher + CE Marked FIRE Blanket + First AID KIT. Boats Homes Kitchen Work Offices Warehouses GARAGES Hotels Restaurants. 21B Rating
Equip 1KG ABC Dry Chemical Powder Fire Extinguisher | with Steel Wall Bracket | Fire Extinguisher for the Home or Car
AA 950g Fire Extinguisher AA1547 - Uses BC Powder Small Fires - Lightweight Easy To Use UK Made 5 Year Warranty
Premium FSS UK 1 KG ABC Dry Powder BSI KITEMARKED FIRE Extinguisher with CE Marked FIRE Blanket. Ideal for Homes Boats Kitchen Workplace Offices Cars Vans Warehouses GARAGES Hotels Restaurants
FSS UK 1 KG ABC Dry Powder FIRE Extinguisher with FIRE Blanket & 1st aid kit. British Standard CE Marked. Ideal for Homes Kitchens Workplace WORKSHOPS Offices Cars Vans Warehouses GARAGES Hotels Restaurants
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