The best price for Laser Tools 2584 Dial Test Indicator in the UK today is £54.67, available at ManoMano UK.
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AUTOUTLET Digital Dial Indicator Probe 0.01 mm/0.0005'' Range DTI Gauge Dial Test Indicator 25.4 mm/1'' High-precision Measurement Industrial Indicators
Dial test indicator DTI Gauge & Magnetic Base Stand Clock Gauge TDC Base Stand Precision Measuring Tool Kit
HFS(R) Magnetic Base Stand with Adjustable Holder for 8mm Digital Dial Test Indicator Gauge 132lbs/60kg Max Pull
KATSU Dial Test Indicator DTI with Magnetic Base and 22-Piece Indicator Points Set, 0-10mm 0.01mm High Precision Measuring ToolKit 40111965
KATSU Dial Test Indicator with Magnetic Base Holder and 22 Pieces Indicator Points Set, DTI Gauge 0-10mm 0.01mm High Precision Measuring ToolKit 401118
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