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Beurer PO 80 Pulse Oximeter

Beurer PO 80 Pulse Oximeter



Beurer PO 80 Pulse Oximeter Price Comparison

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10 listings


Beurer PO 80 pulse oximeter, measurement of oxygen saturation (SpO₂) and heart rate (pulse), 24h continuous recording, software” beurer SpO₂ Assistant”, alarm function | 1 pack



Beurer PO30 Pulse Oximeter | Determination of heart rate and arterial oxygen saturation for those with medical conditions | Suitable for high-altitude sports | Small and lightweight | Medical device



Beurer PO40 Pulse Oximeter | Measures heart rate, arterial oxygen saturation and perfusion index for those with medical conditions | Suitable for high-altitude sports | Medical device



Beurer PO60 Pulse Oximeter with Bluetooth | Measures Heart Rate and arterial Oxygen Saturation for Those with Medical Conditions | Wireless Data Transfer to Your Smartphone | Medical Device



Braun Pulse Oximeter 1 - Accurate Blood Oxygen Finger Monitor - Clinically Validated - Easy-to-use at Home - For COPD, Pneumonia, Sleep Apnea Sufferers - Great for Athletes- YK-81CEU



AILE Pulse Oximeter Oxygen Meter Adults Accurate Fast Easy Larger Red Screen Oxygen Monitor with Lanyard Blood Saturation Monitor -O2 Saturation Meter Pulse-Oximeter



Beurer PO35 Pulse Oximeter, Determination of Heart Rate and Arterial Oxygen Saturation for Those with Medical Conditions



Yohcuro Pediatric Oximeter for Kids & Children, Fingertip Pulse Oximeter for Small Fingers, Blood Oxygen Saturation, Pulse Rate Monitor, Cute Cartoon Design, Batteries Included



OxiPro OX2 - CE Certified - MHRA Registered Pulse Oximeter/Blood Oxygen Monitor - Finger Oxygen Saturation Monitor/SATS Monitor SpO2 - UK Approved Medical Device



AILE Oxygen Monitor Finger Adults-Kids Heart Rate Monitor SpO2 Pulse Oximeter UK Approved Medical Device SATS Blood Saturation Monitor CE Certified - MHRA Registered Oxygen Level Monitor


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