Clairefontaine Koverbook Notebook A5 Assorted Pack of 10 951501C is not available at any retailer today that are listed on our platform.
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Clairefontaine Europa Notemaker Book Sidebound Ruled 80 gsm 120 Pages A5 Black Ref 4852 , Pack 10
Clairefontaine - Ref 366781C - Koverbook Blush Wirebound Notebook (80 Sheets) - A5 Size, Lined Ruling, 90gsm Brushed Vellum Paper, Pastel Polypro Cover - Assorted Colours (Pack of 5)
Clairefontaine - Ref 981481AMZC - Koverbook Blush Stapled Notebook (96 Pages) - 24 x 32cm Size, Squared Ruling, 90gsm Brushed Vellum Paper, Pastel Polypro Cover - Assorted Colours (Pack of 5)
Clairefontaine - Ref 195146C - Back To Basic 1951 Staplebound Notebook (96 Pages) - A5 (148 x 210mm) in Size, 90gsm Brushed Vellum Paper - Assorted Colours (Pack of 5)
Clairefontaine - Ref 328646C - Linicolor Wire bound Notebook (80 Sheets) - A5 Size, 90gsm Brushed Vellum Paper, Polypro Cover, Lined Ruling - Assorted Colours (Pack of 5)
Clairefontaine 951501C Koverbook Notebook 17 x 22 cm 96 Ruled Pages with Margin Polypropylene Cover Transparent Random Colour
Clairefontaine - Ref 4935Z - Europa Wirebound Midi Pad Notepad (200 Pages) - 15.2 x 10.5cm, Lined Rulings, Premium Pressboard Cover - Assorted Colours (Pack of 10)
Clairefontaine 366723C A Koverbook Neon Spiral Notebook - A5 14.8 x 21 cm - 160 Lined Pages - 90 g White Paper - Opaque Polypro Cover - Random Color
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