Koverbook Wirebound A4 PP Cover 160p Red Pack 5 69546EX is not available at any retailer today that are listed on our platform.
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Clairefontaine - Ref 376772C - Koverbook Blush Wirebound Notebook (80 Sheets) - A4 Size, Lined Ruling, 90gsm Brushed Vellum Paper, Pastel Polypro Cover - Ice Blue
Clairefontaine - Ref 596805C - Koverbook Wirebound Notebook (160 Pages) - A4+ Size, Lined & Margin Ruling, 90gsm Brushed Vellum Paper, Polypro Cover - Purple
Clairefontaine 376723C A Koverbook Neon Spiral Notebook - A4 21x29.7 cm - 160 Lined Pages - 90 g White Paper - Opaque Polypro Cover - Random Color
Clairefontaine - Ref 161820C - Koverbook Wirebound Vocabulary Book (50 Sheets) - A5 (148 x 210mm) in Size, Lined Rulings, Red Central Margin, 2 Flaps & Removable Tabs
Clairefontaine - Ref 376481C - Koverbook Blush Wirebound Notebook (160 pages) - 21 x 29.7cm Size, Square Ruling, 90gsm Brushed Vellum Paper, Pastel Polypro Cover - Random Colour
Clairefontaine - Ref 356401C - Koverbook Wirebound Transparent PP Notebook (160 Pages) - 17 x 22cm Size, Séyès Ruling, 90gsm Brushed Vellum Paper, Polypro Cover - Random Colour
Clairefontaine - Ref 980420C - Koverbook PP Stapled Laboratory Workbook (32 Sheets) - A4 (210 x 297mm) in Size, Séyès Rulings, French Text - Random Colour Cover
Clairefontaine - Ref 984620C - Koverbook Side Stapled Notebook (24 Sheets) - A4+ in Size, Square Ruling, Polypro Cover, 90gsm Brushed Vellum Paper - Transparent Cover
Clairefontaine - Ref 981416C - Koverbook Side Stapled Notebook (96 Pages) - A4+ in Size, Séyès Ruling, Polypro Cover, 90gsm Brushed Vellum Paper - Yellow Cover
Clairefontaine 984450AMZC Koverbook Polypropylene Cover 48 Pages 24 x 32 cm Large Squares – Pack of 5 (Blue, Green, Red, Yellow and Colourless)
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