Fischer FBS II Ultracut Concrete Screw M12 x 85mm WL 25mm (20 Pk) is not available at any retailer today that are listed on our platform.
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Fischer DuoPower 12 x 60, Powerful Universal Plug, Intelligent 2-Component Technology for fastenings in Concrete, Bricks, Stone, etc., 25 Plugs Without Screws
fischer DuoPower 5 x 25 S PH, powerful universal plug with panhead screw, intelligent 2-component technology for fastenings in concrete, bricks, stone, gypsum plasterboard, etc., 50 plugs & 50 screws
Fischer DuoPower 10 x 80 S, Powerful Universal Plug with Safety Screw, Intelligent 2-Component Technology for fastenings in Concrete, Bricks, Stone, etc., 10 Plugs & 10 Screws
Fischer DuoPower 10 X 50, Powerful Universal Plug with Intelligent 2-Component Technology Fastenings in Concrete, Bricks, Gypsum Plasterboard, Chipboard, Etc., 50 Plugs Without Screws
fischer UltraCut FBS II 10x260 205/195/175 US Hexagon Head High Performance Concrete Screw for Indoor Use for Secure Fixing in Concrete & Masonry, Electro Galvanised, Pack of 20
fischer UltraCut FBS II 6 x 35 M8/M10 I, Powerful Concrete Screw (Pack of 240), Galvanised in Practical Bucket
fischer 670088 FPF Power-Fast II 3.5 x 25mm Chipboard Wood Screws, Countersunk Head with Phillips, Fully Threaded, Galvanised Blue Passivated, Box of 200
fischer UltraCut FBS II 6x35 M10/21 Heavy Duty Concrete Screw with Internal Thread for Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning Fixing - Galvanised (Pack of 100)
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