TFA Dostmann 60.3015.11 Quartz Wall clock 230 mm x 40 mm Purple Noiseless movement is not available at any retailer today that are listed on our platform.
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TFA Dostmann Digital Wall, 60.4519.01, Radio-Controlled Clock with Indoor Temperature, Day of The Week (8 Languages), Date, Time Zone Setting, Black, (L) 215 x (B) 160 x (H) 26 (68) mm
TFA Dostmann Cinema Legends 60.3059.11 Wall Clock Marilyn Monroe 30 cm Diameter Retro Design Analogue Red, (L) 300 x (B) 40 x (H) 300 mm
TFA Dostmann Analog Wall Clock, 60.3056.01, Low Noise Sweep Movement, Glass Cover, Black, Plastic, L 309 x B 50 x H 309 mm
TFA Dostmann Analogue Alarm Clock, 60.1021.04, Retro-Design, Non Ticking, Battery Operated, Green, (L) 87 x (B) 55 x (H) 90 mm
TFA Dostmann Analogue Wall Clock 60.3054.04 Wood Effect Quartz Movement with Long Battery Life Jade Green, Fibre, L 297 x B 45 x H 297 mm
TFA Dostmann Analogue Kitchen Timer, 38.1041, Egg Clock, adjustable up to 60 min, mechanical, without Batteries, Black-White
TFA Dostmann Kids Wall Clock Little, 60.3051.14, with Animal Motifs, time Teacher, Non Ticking Sweep Quartz meachnism, Light Blue, (L) 309 x (B) 44 x (H) 309 mm
TFA Dostmann Picus analogue pendulum clock, 60.3062.08, modern, quartz movement, rose gold bird, dark brown, Aluminium Plastic, (L) 246x (B) 75 x (H) 653 mm
TFA Dostmann Analogue Wall Brass MARITIM, 98.1021, Made in Germany, Quartz Clock, 21.6 x 15.8 x 6.8 cm
TFA Dostmann Analogue Alarm 60.1012 with Metal Box for Travelling Foldable Quartz Clock Silver, Plastic, Stainless Steel Look, (L) 65 x (B) 70 x (H) 27 (70) mm
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