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130 Products Found
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1063 Electret Microphone Amplifier with Adjustable Gain - Adafruit
3 Stores
Starting From
1164 INA169 Analog DC Current Sensor Breakout - 60V 5A Max - Adafruit
1207 SMT breakout PCB for SOIC or TSSOP 16 Pin Pack of 3 - Adafruit
1208 SMT breakout PCB for SOIC or TSSOP 28 Pin Pack of 3 - Adafruit
1212 SMT breakout PCB for SOIC or TSSOP 8 Pin Pack of 6 - Adafruit
1230 SMT Breakout PCB Set For SOT-23, SOT-89, SOT-223 & TO252 - Adafruit
1247 FLORA Accelerometer / Compass Sensor - LSM303 - Adafruit
2 Stores
1312 Breadboard-friendly RGB LEDs NeoPixel (pack of 4) - Adafruit
1356 TCS34725 FLORA Colour Sensor - Adafruit
1374 Standalone Momentary Capacitive Touch Sensor Breakout - Adafruit
1400 Push Button Power Switch Breakout - Adafruit
1430 NeoPixel Shield for Arduino 40 Addressable RGB LEDs - Adafruit
1455 12-Channel 16-bit PWM LED Driver - SPI Interface - TLC59711 - Adafruit
1463 NeoPixel Ring 16 Addressable RGB LEDs - Adafruit
1465 6-pin AVR ICSP Breadboard Adapter Mini Kit - Adafruit
1500 Trinket 3V3 ATtiny85 Arduino Compatible - Adafruit
1552 Stereo 2.8W Class D Audio Amplifier (TS2012) - Adafruit
1611 Silicone Elastomer 4x4 Button Keypad - Adafruit
1612 NeoPixel Addressable RGB LEDs Mini PCB - Pack of 5 - Adafruit
1757 LED Sequins for Wearables Royal Blue - Pack of 5 - Adafruit
1762 5050 LED breakout PCB - 10 pack - Adafruit
1777 SI1145 Digital UV Index / IR / Visible Light Sensor I2C - Adafruit
1788 Music Maker MP3 Shield for Arduino 3W Stereo Amp - Adafruit
1833 USB Micro B Breakout Board - Adafruit
1871 20mm Coin Cell Breakout with On Off Switch (CR2032) - Adafruit
1903 PowerBoost 5V USB Boost 500mA from 1.8V+ - Adafruit
1944 PowerBoost 500 usb Charger Recharge/Boost 3.7V Li-Po to 5V @500mA+ - Adafruit
196 Proto Screw Shield / WingShield Kit - Adafruit
1967 Mini Pan-Tilt Servo Controlled Brackets - Adafruit
2000 Pro Trinket 5V ATmega328 16MHz Clock 28K FLASH 18 GPIO - Adafruit
2030 PowerBoost 5V USB Boost 1000mA from 1.8V+ - Adafruit
2226 NeoPixel Jewel LED Module 7 x 5050 RGB without Separate White - Adafruit
2264 USB to GPIO, SPI, I2C Breakout Board - Adafruit
2305 Haptic Motor Controller (DRV2605L) - Adafruit
2324 Ultimate GPS HAT for Raspberry Pi A+, B+ or 2 - Adafruit
2327 16 Channel Servo HAT / PWM for Raspberry Pi A+, B+ or 2 - Adafruit
2340 Capacitive Touch HAT for Raspberry Pi MPR121 - Adafruit
2465 PowerBoost Charger for Rechargeable 5V LiPo or LiIon Batteries - Adafruit
2471 HUZZAH ESP8266 WiFi Breakout Board FTDI - Adafruit
2652 BME280 I2C or SPI Temperature Humidity Pressure Sensor - Adafruit