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Screw terminal 1.00 mm2 Number of pins 8 AK5508DS 3.5 V PTR
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Screw terminal 1.00 mm2 Number of pins 8 AKZ6028 3.81 V PTR
4 Stores
Screw terminal 1.50 mm Number of pins 6 AK3006 5.0 PTR
Screw terminal 1.50 mm Number of pins 6 AKZ3006 5.08 PTR
Screw terminal 1.50 mm2 Number of pins 10 AK135010DS 3.5 PTR
Screw terminal 1.50 mm2 Number of pins 10 AK35010 5.0 V PTR
Screw terminal 1.50 mm2 Number of pins 10 AK50010DS 5.0 H PTR
Screw terminal 1.50 mm2 Number of pins 10 AK50010DS 5.0 V PTR
Screw terminal 1.50 mm2 Number of pins 10 AKZ35010 5.08 V PTR
Screw terminal 1.50 mm2 Number of pins 10 AKZ50010DS 5.08 V PTR
Screw terminal 1.50 mm2 Number of pins 10 MKDS 1510 508 Phoen
Screw terminal 1.50 mm2 Number of pins 10 MKDS 1510 Phoenix Co
Screw terminal 1.50 mm2 Number of pins 10 MKDSN 1510 508 Phoe
Screw terminal 1.50 mm2 Number of pins 10 MKDSN 1510 Phoenix C
Screw terminal 1.50 mm2 Number of pins 11 MKDSN 1511 Phoenix C
Screw terminal 1.50 mm2 Number of pins 12 AK135012DS 3.5 PTR
Screw terminal 1.50 mm2 Number of pins 12 AK35012 5.0 V PTR
Screw terminal 1.50 mm2 Number of pins 12 AK50012DS 5.0 H PTR
2 Stores
Screw terminal 1.50 mm2 Number of pins 12 AK50012DS 5.0 V PTR
Screw terminal 1.50 mm2 Number of pins 12 AKZ35012 5.08 V PTR
Screw terminal 1.50 mm2 Number of pins 12 AKZ50012DS 5.08 V PTR
Screw terminal 1.50 mm2 Number of pins 12 MKDS 1512 508 Phoen
Screw terminal 1.50 mm2 Number of pins 12 MKDSN 1512 508 Phoe
Screw terminal 1.50 mm2 Number of pins 12 MKDSN 1512 Phoenix C
Screw terminal 1.50 mm2 Number of pins 2 AK13502DS 3.5 PTR
Screw terminal 1.50 mm2 Number of pins 2 AK3002 5.0 PTR
Screw terminal 1.50 mm2 Number of pins 2 AK3502 5.0 V PTR
Screw terminal 1.50 mm2 Number of pins 2 AK5002DS 5.0 H PTR
Screw terminal 1.50 mm2 Number of pins 2 AK5002DS 5.0 V PTR
Screw terminal 1.50 mm2 Number of pins 2 AKZ3002 5.0 PTR
Screw terminal 1.50 mm2 Number of pins 2 AKZ3502 508 V PTR
Screw terminal 1.50 mm2 Number of pins 2 AKZ5002DS 5.08 H PTR
Screw terminal 1.50 mm2 Number of pins 2 AKZ5002DS 5.08 V PTR
Screw terminal 1.50 mm2 Number of pins 2 DG301 5.0 02P 12 Degson
Screw terminal 1.50 mm2 Number of pins 2 DG301R 5.0 02P 12 Degso
Screw terminal 1.50 mm2 Number of pins 2 MKDS 15 2 508 Phoeni
Screw terminal 1.50 mm2 Number of pins 2 MKDS 15 2 Phoenix Con
Screw terminal 1.50 mm2 Number of pins 2 MKDSN 15 2 508 Phoen
Screw terminal 1.50 mm2 Number of pins 3 AK13503DS 3.5 PTR
Screw terminal 1.50 mm2 Number of pins 3 AK3003 5.0 PTR