Artificial Intelligence and the Two Singularities
Customer and Business AnalyticsApplied Data Mining for Business Decision Making Using R
Data Mining for Design and Marketing
Design and Analysis of Experiments with R
Displaying Time Series Spatial and Space-Time Data with R
Ensemble MethodsFoundations and Algorithms
Exploring Linear AlgebraLabs and Projects with Mathematica
Extending the Linear Model with RGeneralized Linear Mixed Effects and Nonparametric Regression Models Second Edition
mathematical modeling models analysis and applications
Mathematical Modelling with Case StudiesUsing Maple and MATLAB Third Edition
mathematical statistics basic ideas and selected topics volume ii
Mathematical StatisticsBasic Ideas and Selected Topics Volume I Second Edition
sas and r data management statistical analysis and graphics second edition
Spatial Point PatternsMethodology and Applications with R
Statistical Design and Analysis of Clinical TrialsPrinciples and Methods
Statistical Regression and ClassificationFrom Linear Models to Machine Learning
Statistics and Data Analysis for Microarrays Using R and Bioconductor
Systems BiologyMathematical Modeling and Model Analysis
The UX Careers Handbook
Using the R Commander : A Point-and-Click Interface for R
Web 2.0 and BeyondPrinciples and Technologies
Writing Dissertation and Grant ProposalsEpidemiology Preventive Medicine and Biostatistics